News4Notes | Searching for design elements 100 times faster | by Andre Guirard
Often, entries in this blog are in reaction to questions I get, or someone else’s code I’ve run across. One of the reasons things have been so quiet here is that my job has changed so that’s not...
View ArticleGDC 2013: Gramble Aims to Put a Charitable Spin on iOS
For us, GDC is mostly a time to check out and showcase a variety of iOS games making their way down the pipe. However, as one can imagine there’s far more going on at a conference of this magnitude...
View ArticleLeadership Lessons from Moving
So I moved this weekend, leaving what has been the family home for more than 17 years, and downsizing to a three-bedroom apartment that is more suitable for me and my three teenagers. Like everyone, I...
View ArticleHe is now an Enterprise Business Development Manager at Google
He is now an Enterprise Business Development Manager at Google Urchin Software Corporation was a web analytics company based in Southern California. In April 2005, the company was purchased by Google....
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